5 Most-Used Backend Frameworks for Web Development in 2022
With the advanced innovations in web and mobile apps, companies aim to satisfy their clients with popular technology, frameworks, libraries, and tools.
The framework is a vital part of the web development process, where frontend framework is used for user interface & user experience and backend frameworks take responsibilities for the server-side process.
Backend framework has the role of securing user data in different output like forms, landing pages and enhances the security of the website. In simple words, it is nothing but a module or library tool to design a powerful web application.
Below are the 5 popular backend frameworks to consider in 2022.
5 Backend Frameworks in 2022
1. Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails is the first server-side web framework to focus on this year. Written in Ruby language, Ruby on Rails uses the model-view-controller (MVC) approach to create database-backed web apps. The model layer talks about the domain model, the view layer provides templates for app representation, and the controller layer handles the HTTP requests and responses.
It also follows the DRY or Don’t Repeat Yourself model. For dynamic app development, Ruby is combined with JavaScript, HTML, CSS.
Here are the apps built with Ruby on Rails- Airbnb, Shopify, GitHub, and more.
2. Django
The second web framework for the backend process is Django. As a free and open-source framework, Django uses a model-template-view approach. Django is written in Python and used for building and maintaining secured websites.
Django is primarily used for building complex database-driven web apps. Django is popular due to its features like customization and high scalability.
Here are the apps built with Ruby on Rails- Instagram, Spotify, YouTube, etc.,
3. Laravel
Using PHP, Laravel is also a free and open-source web framework that aims to develop custom web applications. It also uses the model-view-controller approach for the development process.
With its rich features, Laravel speeds up the web development process and helps developers by making the task easier. With Laravel coding, the website is secured and prevented from web attacks. Laravel has advantages like more scalability, component reusability which saves time and organizes resources.
Here are the apps built with Ruby on Rails- Alison, MyRank, Barchart, etc.,
4. Spring Boot
Based on Java, Spring Boot is one of the popular back-end frameworks for developing Java applications. With Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) and Dependency Injection (DI) features, Spring helps developers to simplify complex Java app development process. To create stand alone and production grade apps, Spring is the best choice.
Here are the apps built with Spring Boot- Udemy, CRED, Trivago, Intuit.
5. Express.js
The last backend framework on this list is Express.js.
Express.js is a backend framework for Nodejs and its aim is to build web applications and APIs. It is also a free and open-source environment released under MIT license. Many popular development stacks like MERN, MEAN, and MEVN uses Express as their backend components.
Developers use Express.js (due to its small and robust nature) to provide the best solutions for website and single-page applications.
Here are the apps built with Ruby on Rails- Myntra, Uber, PayPal, and more.
These are the top 5 backend frameworks to use in your web development project. Refer to this list and choose the best frameworks that suit your web app requirements.
Confusion in choosing the best backend framework? We are here to help you.
Connect with our backend developers and get your solutions. Vconnex Services is a leading software development company in Florida. Contact us now.