Top 10 Automation Testing Tools
QA automation testing is just what it sounds like quality assurance for apps and software through mobile testing and web testing. In today’s digital world of software development, automation testing tools prove to be of major significance in building a robust product while enabling Quality at Speed.
Automation testing means running the software programs that carry out the execution of test cases automatically and produce the test results without any human intervention. The objective of automation testing tools has changed from being focused on shortening testing times to better coverage and effective use of test cases.
Making use of the right tools for automation testing at the right time is essential to deliver a quality product at speed.
These tools make sure that the benefits of automation are delivered to the fullest.
There are a wide range of test automation software available in the market and these tools differ in many ways and some are as follows.
Explore the list of 10 best test automation tools to deliver quality products at scale.
1. Selenium, 2. Katalon Studio, 3. UFT one, 4. Appium, 5. IBM Rational Functional Tester, 6. Telerik Test Studio, 7. WATIR, 8. Test Complete, 9. Cucumber, 10. Ranorex
1. Selenium
2. UFT one
3. Katalon Studio
4. Appium
5. IBM Rational Functional Tester
6. Telerik Test Studio
8. Test Complete
9. Cucumber
10. Ranorex
Comparison of Automation Testing Tools

There are many automation tools available in the market addressing different types of testing.Each one is unique and designed for specific testing areas. It requires a detailed comparison analysis for the testing team to choose the right tool based on project requirements and skillsets.
Software products are continuously evolving as we move towards more digital, so the testing. It requires an experienced, focused and dedicated testing team to deliver a bug free software. Choosing the right tool, using it for right testing and delivering a quality softwareis very important to gain customer’s TRUST.